There are many reasons to resize an image. Web designers often use Photoshop to resize images to keep the page weight low. Whatever reason you have for adjusting your image, this simple tutorial will help you get the task done and be on your way.
Start by opening your image in Photoshop.
From the menu, select Image. From there, select “Image Size.” The Image Size window should open.
Ensure that the height and width are linked.
Enter the desired height OR width, and hit OK. With the two fields linked, when you enter one field, the program will automatically calculate the other, maintaining the original proportions. This is important to prevent images getting stretched or distorted.
The image should appear smaller in the PS window. While you could save this directly, it’s standard practice to export the image and save it independent of the original. This maintains the dimensions of the original, should you ever need it. Note, you can view the size of an image in PS at the bottom left corner.
To export the resized image, go to File > Export > Export As… While there are a few options on how to export, this way allows you to select the file type.
Look over the information and hit OK.
Name your file and save. Traditionally, this would simply be the name of the original file followed by the new size. For example: mountain-stream-1024.jpg.
NOTE: While you can size an image up, it is not recommended, as you will lose image quality.
Congratulations! You’ve successfully completed your project.